Micah 7:8
"Do not rejoice over me,my enemy; When I fall, I will Arise; When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. "

Jesus says in his word, there will be trials and tribulations, challenges and testings. BUT be of Good cheer for I have overcome the world! (John 16:33) Sometimes we go through times when we feel like we can't stand anymore and it seems like your adversity is too large for you. Even more so when you have done everything you think you know how to do and yet you don't see anything happening in your circumstance, continue to STAND! 

Because that  is a sure indication that you got the Devil provoked and shaken and he is doing all that he can to make you fall. But don't give up! Don't get discouraged! You were never meant to lose the battle, you were meant to win the battle! If the devil knocks you down 7 times, you get up and pick yourself up 8 times! 

God says, "Is my arm too short that it cannot save?" Trust in him, lean on him, stop asking questions, God how? why like that? but start listening to the holy spirit and obey! 
As you obey and move, God will do wondrous works through you! 

Breakthrough is near! 
"But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land where he went and his descendants shall inherit it. "   (Numbers 14:24)

The Story of Caleb
God had spoken to Moses to go and send spies to inherit the land of Canaan. As they went, they saw the descendants of Anak, who were men of great stature (Giants) living in that land. Out of all the spies that went, only one man. Caleb, had the faith to go and conquer Canaan. Read: what did Caleb say to the israelites, "Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said,"Let us go up at once and take possession,for we are well able to overcome it." 
You see Caleb's name means Faith, Devotion and Whole-heartedness towards God. Caleb was the only one that trusted in god to remain fearless in the face of overcoming all odds. Because of that, God said my SERVANT Caleb has a DIFFERENT SPIRIT and he WILL ENTER the land God has prepared. 

My friends, this building that God has prepared for us, we have not entered yet! We are not there yet! There are going to be challenges because God is going to bring us to next level with him. BUT there will surely be breakthroughs upon breakthroughs that God will give to those with a different spirit. 

Let's begin to arise and build this season, change our hearts and build up faith on the inside. With any challenges that comes our way, be it new friends that are joining us, issues that arises around us, let us boldly be able to say, FOR WE ARE WELL ABLE TO OVERCOME IT! And get ready to go up to possess the land that God has given us!