Micah 7:8
"Do not rejoice over me,my enemy; When I fall, I will Arise; When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. "

Jesus says in his word, there will be trials and tribulations, challenges and testings. BUT be of Good cheer for I have overcome the world! (John 16:33) Sometimes we go through times when we feel like we can't stand anymore and it seems like your adversity is too large for you. Even more so when you have done everything you think you know how to do and yet you don't see anything happening in your circumstance, continue to STAND! 

Because that  is a sure indication that you got the Devil provoked and shaken and he is doing all that he can to make you fall. But don't give up! Don't get discouraged! You were never meant to lose the battle, you were meant to win the battle! If the devil knocks you down 7 times, you get up and pick yourself up 8 times! 

God says, "Is my arm too short that it cannot save?" Trust in him, lean on him, stop asking questions, God how? why like that? but start listening to the holy spirit and obey! 
As you obey and move, God will do wondrous works through you! 

Breakthrough is near! 

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